Training provider warns Driver CPC deadline is approaching

Posted on Monday 12 August 2024

Mentor Training has issued a warning to long serving lorry drivers that will soon run out of time to complete their Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) training.

ORIGINALLY INTRODUCED for lorry drivers in September 2009, the deadline to complete their third round of 5-yearly Driver CPC periodic training hours is fast approaching. As per the regulations, 35 hours of periodic training must be completed every five years, meaning any driver holding a licence for 15 years or more will be required to meet their latest quota by 9th September 2024.

If a driver misses the deadline, they will be unable to drive professionally until training has been completed. They could also be faced with a fine of up to £1,000 for driving without holding a CPC.

Mentor’s technical manager, Andy Cartwright says: “There is still time to complete this all-important training. Nobody wants to limit their opportunity to work or end up with a hefty fine, so it’s vital that drivers continue to complete their required hours. As is the case for anyone operating any kind of workplace transport or equipment, it’s crucial that those in control remain aware of the risks and how to follow safe practice. Regular training ensures that this stays front of mind.”

There are a wide range of courses that professional drivers can attend, to work towards their 35 hours of periodic training. For lorry drivers, Mentor deliver ALLMI Lorry Loader novice, experienced and refresher courses, as well as Load Security and Lashing for Builders Merchants training, all accredited by Driver CPC. In each case, delegates will gain the skills and knowledge needed to work safely and comply with current legislation and guidance, while gaining seven hours towards their periodic training total.

Andy expand: “With the deadline coming around quickly, our CPC-accredited courses are an ideal way to tick off those final remaining hours, while also building drivers’ skill sets. Drivers can broaden their scope or refresh existing knowledge with CPC courses that are relevant to their roles. The scheme heightens the focus on safety and skills, which not only benefits drivers themselves, but those alongside them, and their businesses, too.”

Professional drivers can check on their progress towards the 35-hour total by visiting the government website.

For more information, visit

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