Urban logistics scheme secures planning

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2024

Chancerygate has secured planning permission to speculatively build a 59,500 ft2 urban logistics scheme in Manchester.

By Liza Helps Property Editor

THE DEVELOPMENT, known as Eastside, will comprise nine units ranging from 4,000 ft2 to 14,000 ft2 and will be built on the 2.3 acre site of the former Walkers of Manchester printing facility in Clayton. Development is due to commence in September this year.

Units will target BREEAM Very Good and an EPC A rating and be available either on a leasehold or freehold basis. All units will benefit from electric vehicle charging points, low air permeability design and solar cells on their roofs which provide green energy on an affordable basis to occupiers.

In addition, the units will be constructed from high-performance insulated cladding and roof materials to reduce CO2 emissions. The projected gross development value is approximately £15m. 

Joint agents are JLL and Colliers.

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Logistics Matters