Warehouse snapped up within weeks

A 100,00 ft2 warehouse in Deeside, North Wales has been snapped up within weeks of coming to the market at the end of  last year.

By Liza Helps Property Editor Logistics Matters

FRENCH ENGINEERING giant Boccard’s subsidiary Boccard UK, has signed a 12-year lease on Unit 1 Legal & General’s Tenth Avenue, Zone 3, Deeside Industrial Park warehouse after former tenant Westbridge Furniture served notice at the end of last year.

Boccard UK has commenced fit-out of the unit, including refurbishment upgrades. Boccard UK managing director Douglas McQueen said: “The unit provides us with the platform and flexibility to expand our existing operations in the North Wales and UK market to satisfy our current customers and attract future business opportunities.

The facility, located on a 6.03-acre fully contained site, was let Legat Owen and JLL, acting on behalf of Legal & General.

Legat Owen director Mark Diaper, said: “Securing Boccard at the outset of the marketing campaign confirms the strong interest in the Deeside area from occupiers and has resulted in a limited vacancy period and minimal interruption for the landlord.

Boccard was unrepresented.

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