Home>Goods In & Out>Doors & curtains>Beverages firm opts for heavy duty door

Beverages firm opts for heavy duty door

06 April 2020

The installation of a three-tonne insulated roller shutter manufactured by Hart Door Systems completed a work package which has seen a total of 40 doors installed over the last year for Taylors of Harrogate, the independent family tea and coffee company.

Kyle Pendergood at Hart Doors says: “The installation of the shutter concluded a project which we have been involved with through Sir Robert McAlpine and which has seen just about every Hart door product installed – from our Speedor high speed doors to fire shutters, security shutters and steel personnel doors. This has been one of our largest contracts.”

“The final installation was a challenge. Apart from its weight, the roller shutter was 10.5m wide and 6.3m high and was being installed in an area where the headroom was very tight. So much so a crane was used to lift the shutter into position after opening two holes in the building’s roof so lifting chains could be dropped through to facilitate moving the shutter into position,” adds Kyle.

Nick Hart, Hart’s newly appointed managing director, adds: “This was a great effort by the factory and the management and installation teams. It was delivered and installed safely, a credit to all involved.”