Home>Warehouse Storage>Warehouse storage>Swisslog wins massive electronics storage contract

Swisslog wins massive electronics storage contract

12 December 2012

Swiss IT trading group Competec has commissioned Swisslog to install an automatic small parts and container storage system, beginning in September, at what will become the largest electronics distribution centre in Swit

Swiss IT trading group Competec has commissioned Swisslog to install an automatic small parts and container storage system, beginning in September, at what will become the largest electronics distribution centre in Switzerland.

With an operational area of more than 55,000 square metres, the new warehouse will enable their entire logistics operations to be handled from one site; consolidating the logistics currently housed at their headquarters, their automatic small parts warehouse as well as other branch offices.

The heart of this facility will be the AutoStore System, provided by Swisslog. In the first stage of installation, the automatic container system will comprise of 62,000 containers within 2,500 Mauser's reconditioning subsidiary National Container Group (NCG) acquired the majority shares of the Italian company Maider IBC, a leading reconditioner of IBCs.

For Mauser, Italy is an important key market in the packaging industry.With this transaction, Mauser not only further strengthens its overall footprint but furthermore completes its Europe-wide presence. Additionally, by moving close to the customers, this business development is in line with the company's global sustainability initiative.

Maider IBC mainly offers new and reconditioned composite IBCs as well as cleaning of asset tanks.

"Being part of a global player who puts life cycle management at its core business offers attractive synergies and new potentials for Maider and for our customers," says Marca Carrara, the founder and Managing Director of Maider IBC, who will remain in this position after the transaction. "Due to this partnership, we are able to provide customers comprehensive reconditioning services in combination with market expertise." square metres. The containers will be stacked directly on top of one another in a self-supporting, modular aluminium grid. The grid will have 100,000 container locations, 25 ports for storing and issuing products, and 70 robots.

Commissioning is scheduled for spring 2012.

Competec is a major IT trading group specialising in the import, distribution and sale of hardware and software as well as in consumer electronics. The Group comprises around 380 employees and achieved sales of approximately CHF 340 million in 2010, with an expanding product range and increasing order volumes.