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Loadhog delivers efficiency

12 December 2012

According to Loadhog, increasing volumes of UK commercial mail will be transported in trays on its Pally & Lid system as more customers and postal services hear about its efficiency, economy, easy use, safety and added

According to Loadhog, increasing volumes of UK commercial mail will be transported in trays on its Pally & Lid system as more customers and postal services hear about its efficiency, economy, easy use, safety and added security.

The reusable Pally & Lid system has already proved its worth with several Downstream Access (DSA) providers, which have utilised more than 5000 since its launch. Royal Mail started 'road-testing' 1000 systems, which it calls Tray Dollies, late last year.

Royal Mail, which is actively promoting trayed mail rather than bagged mail due to the revised tariffs in 'Access 70', has just signed a contract with DSA providers to operate a one-to-one swap out with Tray Dollies. Everything is now in place to save money and provide a faster and more efficient service through the supply chain.

The lightweight Tray Dolly is a complete alternative to a roll or pallet cage, occupying the same footprint, allowing access and easy scanning from all four sides and eliminating potentially hazardous metal sides.