High IQ

12 December 2012

The Life IQ high frequency charger brings wireless communication as well as high efficiency to the smart charger High efficiency and wireless communication are the key benefits of Life IQ, the range of high frequenc

The Life IQ high frequency charger brings wireless communication as well as high efficiency to the smart charger

High efficiency and wireless communication are the key benefits of Life IQ, the range of high frequency (HF) smart chargers available from EnerSys. Designed to facilitate lower electricity costs through improved efficiency and a lower charging factor, Life IQ chargers are fully programmable.

Life IQ HF chargers have a real-time clock which allows charging operations to be programmed to take account of offpeak electricity tariffs. Equalisation charge can be started when convenient and real dates programmed for each event. A full range of single and three phase models is available.

Wireless communication between the charger and battery is enabled by a WI-IQ battery monitor fitted to the main DC cable of the battery. Information on charge, temperature and voltage can be uploaded wirelessly to a PC for data analysis.

A USB port is positioned on the front panel of the Life IQ charger for data upload and download. An Ethernet port to provide remote diagnostics is available as an option to enable remote management of a charger fleet, and when connected to a network provide access to charging management on a global scale.

Charge level is indicated by a colourchanging display panel and the charger menu can be fully programmed by the user.

Automatic charge optimisation is made by the charger according to the battery's temperature, capacity, state of charge and technology. This occurs throughout the charge period to compensate for any current loss in the DC cables.