Continual improvement

12 December 2012

The installation of 140 loading bays at a new Asda site in Rochdale by Hörmann incorporates a number of improvements, prompted Asda's desire to continue to improve safety, efficiency and its environmental footprint.

The installation of 140 loading bays at a new Asda site in Rochdale by Hörmann incorporates a number of improvements, prompted Asda's desire to continue to improve safety, efficiency and its environmental footprint.

At this new CDC and recycling centre, each bay has been designed to handle both double and single deck semi-trailers.

Another design stipulation was to accommodate the Cheetah Fastback trailers on Asda's fleet. To achieve this, extended, 1700mm deep dock shelters have been fabricated so that the inflatable head creates a seal on the rear of the trailer, at the front of the aero dynamic slope. This simple design prevents rainwater from running into the building and minimises a potential slip hazard.

Interlocked doors that create three 'indoor', level access unloading areas for trailers are a new design feature. Three Hörmann HS7030 high speed spiral doors lead from the chilled area, whilst two insulated SPU sectional doors are fitted to the exterior. The interlock prevents either set of doors being open at the same time, minimising thermal losses.