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Call for consistent fine policy over ‘yellow-line’ deliveries

02 August 2013

The Freight Transport Association is asking for greater consistency ‘across-the-board’ in the time allowed for delivery drivers when stopping on them.

With 33 different boroughs in London applying rules in different ways for loading and unloading, (often depending on the size of vehicle and the time of day the delivery is being made), and with no clear signage to indicate the time allowed to make that delivery, it is impossible for drivers to know exactly what they can and can’t do.

As revealed in FTA’s PCN Survey 2012; 27 companies surveyed had paid £2.9 million in fines and a rise in costs which was directly related to the increase in the number of PCNs issued on the capital’s roads.

The 50 per cent leap in the number of penalty charge notices (PCNs) being issued in London has led the FTA to call on its members to train their drivers in identifying PCN hotspots.

Among the findings of the report was that one-third of the enforcement authorities accounted for nearly all PCNs issued (80 per cent), with the London Borough of Westminster, London Borough of Camden, City of London and Transport for London more likely to issue to PCNs to FTA members than other London boroughs.  The survey also clearly identified locations where drivers were more likely to receive PCNs, providing valuable information for operators and drivers in respect of areas in which to be vigilant for parking restrictions.

The report explored trends in PCNs in relation to six key areas: enforcement authorities, PCN hotspots (street/location), whether issued by CCTV or civil enforcement officer, contravention codes, appeals and costs.

Companies delivering goods on the roadside in London typically attract PCNs, albeit quite innocently. Although these are often successfully contested, which itself costs time and money, many are not and the industry still pays many millions of pounds in PCNs each year.

Natalie Chapman, FTA’s Head of Policy for London said: "One of the issues with yellow lines for delivery drivers is that there are no signs to indicate exactly how much time is permitted for loading and unloading, and as this changes from borough to borough throughout London, drivers can’t possibly be expected to know how long they have to make their deliveries. 

"Commercial vehicle operators have grown smarter when dealing with the problems of making deliveries in the unfriendly roadside environment of central London, but the findings of the FTA survey suggest that there is a need for them to improve their understanding of how certain parking restrictions apply.  As well as training drivers and identifying PCN hotspots, a well-targeted and intelligent approach to appealing unfair PCNs could save some companies hundreds of thousands of pounds a year.”

FTA operates a PCN Administration Support service, and also has a range of compliance and support materials to help members manage their PCNs including a Compliance Guide, Driver Card and a Delivery Assessment Guide, which was written with the co-operation of a Westminster Council official and provides valuable help and advice for commercial vehicle.