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Semi-permanent loading solutions

15 January 2015

Thorworld Industries has enjoyed a year of growth in 2014, citing its ability to offer small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with a cost-effective alternative to dedicated loading bays as a notable success for the business.

The provider of loading and unloading solutions and also manufactures a market-leading range of mobile yardramps, which forms the cornerstone of a semi-permanent loading solution can help companies improve Goods In/Out operations without major investment or disruption.

By combining a yardramp with a platform and dock leveller, Thorworld believes that manufacturers, logistics firms and other companies who need to optimise the effectiveness of their existing loading facilities, but cannot afford or install a permanent loading bay, can still flourish.

"Many companies, especially SMEs, have an active warehouse space and considerable throughputs, yet do not have a dedicated loading bay, either because it is too expensive or not permitted under the terms of their tenancy,” explains John Meale, managing director of Thorworld Industries.

"Under these circumstances, how can they effectively unload and subsequently despatch deliveries and distributions without having a permanent loading bay?”
For many SMEs, says Thorworld, the use of a mobile yardramp will provide the ideal solution, providing a portable solution that ensures safe, efficient loading.   Yet, if there is a warehouse in situ, a yardramp on its own is not necessarily the best solution because it is not designed to be integrated with the warehouse.

It is for this reason that Thorworld now offers a solution that fills the gap – more permanent than a yardramp to suit regular warehouse usage, but without requiring a full loading bay installation.  Crucially, this system can be tailored to each company’s specific environment and requirements, making it truly bespoke.

The system is built from three key elements: a ramp, a platform and a hydraulic dock leveller. By integrating these items, it is possible to create a semi-permanent solution that fulfils all of the requirements of a dedicated loading bay. 

Once this solution is positioned flush to the entranceway beneath a roller or sectional door, and bolted to the ground, there is no significant difference in terms of performance, reliability or health & safety. The trailer pulls up; the leveller smooths the transition to the platform; the forklift truck removes the goods along the platform, down the ramp and into the warehouse.

Benefits include the ease of installation; the system is simply positioned and bolted into place, in contrast to the extensive civil work required with the installation of a traditional loading bay.

At the same time, the semi-permanent nature of the system also allows for greater flexibility and manoeuvrability, because it can be easily relocated when needed.   This means that – longer term – companies looking for new working space or storage locations are not bound by the need to choose a facility with a dedicated loading bay.
Finally, the tailored addition of auxiliary elements can put the finishing touches to a bespoke solution. After fitting a shutter door, for example, integrating a seal or a dock shelter will provide environmental and employee protection for a truly comprehensive loading solution.