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Perth Food and Drink Park opens

27 February 2015

The Food and Drink Park - representing a £5m investment by Perth and Kinross Council - provides up to 11 serviced development plots across a 16 acre site.

The site has been specifically designed to create a hub for the all aspects of the food and drink industry in Scotland to thrive, and is being seen as having particular appeal to food storage and warehousing sector.

The first dedicated hub of its kind in Scotland could sustain up to 400 jobs once fully occupied.

Food and drink is one of Scotland’s key growth sectors with ambitions to grow from £13.1Bn today to £16.5Bn by 2017. Within Perth and Kinross, the annual turnover of the food and drink sector is estimated at £280m and there are an estimated 130 companies in the processing sector.

The Perth Food and Drink Park is located strategically close to the A9 trunk road, with good links to Perth city centre and train station, and only a 45 minute drive from Edinburgh International Airport. With its central location and excellent access, a million people live within an hour’s drive of Perth.