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Modular signal towers launched

07 January 2016

WERMA has launched a range of 40mm modular signal towers packed with new features.

The user of a signal tower has often had to decide between ease of installation and good visibility of the tower. However, he KombiSIGN 40 range from WERMA offers, with the OmniVIEW lens and the most up to date LED technology, clear signalling from any angle or view point.

The KombiSIGN 40 can be assembled and installed in less than 5 minutes. The mechanics are self-explanatory and all contacts are clearly marked. There is no need to spend time reading long installation instructions as an incorrect assembly can be virtually discounted – poka yoke.

Often in the past the user of signal towers would have to choose between flexibility and reducing the part number count. The new “twin light elements” which are easy to switch offer two functions in one component. TwinLIGHT and TwinFLASH offer two light effects for different working conditions and are easy to switch without the need special tools. The increased flexibility of application therefore reduces the number of parts to be held helping to reduce costs.

KombiSIGN 40 offers the traditional coloured lens look in the ClassicLOOK range and a more modern and unobtrusive DesignLOOK range with clear lens.

“With the KombiSIGN 40 family we are offering our customers a modular signal tower range where they don’t have to make compromises: It is easy to install and offers clear all-round visibility with the OmniVIEW lens. The new twin light element offers the KombiSIGN 40 user greater flexibility and reduces the number of variants having to be held in stock,” says Simon Adams, MD of WERMA (UK).