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Ever-evolving with the customer

06 June 2016

Aganto is aiming to build a solid company based on repeat business and word of mouth recommendation, says marketing manager Ruth Oxley.

"We are always thrilled when customers contact us asking for another temporary building, sometimes on the same site, often for different branches. Furthermore, it may be for a totally different application to the original order - it may be their colleagues at a different location in the UK need an Aganto canopy to protect their goods in/out from the unpredictable Great British weather. 

"It may be that another depot has a different problem, such as lack of workspace facility, and are so satisfied with Aganto’s buildings, team, service and aftercare, that there is no-one else they would turn to for a temporary workshop.

"From the site managers installing buildings in the most extreme of conditions, to the background staff beavering away long past the traditional 9-5 hours, to the sales managers driving the length of the UK to pop in just to see one of their customers for a catch up, we all at Aganto strive so hard to ensure that the customers are happy with everything we provide - and never taken for granted."

Aganto says repeat business makes up 15% of all orders taken.