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Train the trainers with RTITB

09 June 2016

Are your current train-the-trainer courses providing you with instructors who can run professional courses that measurably improve safety and efficiency in your business? 

If the answer is “No”, you’re missing out!

Every year 100s of businesses like yours use RTITB instructor courses to train instructors who can cut costs and improve safety in your operations. Having run instructor courses for over 50 years we use our knowledge of what works and what doesn’t to ensure you reap the benefits of outstanding instructor training. The standard of your instructors is crucial to the success of your training programmes, and the overall efficiency of your business. We believe our instructor courses are the best available because instructor training is not a side-line for us, it is a core part of our business. 

Our wide variety of instructor courses include LGV instructor, Lift Truck instructor, Driver CPC instructor, Yardshunter instructor and Crane instructor are all delivered by credible, industry-experienced instructors. 

“Professional presentation from the trainer throughout. Precise and excellent information and guidance during the course. The course was a reminder for me of the importance of delivering training to a high standard. Really enjoyed the 5 days” Dave Bell from Lancaster Training Services.

“Really enjoyed the course, it was well paced and relevant. The instructor was very knowledgeable with a great delivery approach” Neil Bates from BBA Aviation.

If you’d like to find out more about RTITB instructor courses, please call a member of our  Solutions  Team on +44 (0) 1952 520207. Or you can visit our website by clicking here.