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Mike Ashley sullies the good name of logistics

25 July 2016

A concerned member of the logistics industry of 30 years standing responds to the damning report of the Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee on Employment practices at Sports Direct.

These are the actions and strategy of a very greedy man who clearly doesn't value his workforce or good practice.

His contempt for employment law and the law generally is laid bare and clear for all to see. It is frankly pitiful to see an employer behaving in this way in this century - his actions belong in the times of the industrial revolution where labour is cheap. Typical of someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

It is shameful to be running a regime of fear - where the workers are too scared to use a proper toilet so urinate in a bottle - or dare not be ill, or where a woman gave birth in a toilet. Its a warehouse not the Work House!

For Ashley it is all about the money - clearly nothing else matters! He is the Rachman of employers! And like Rachman, Ashley's name should turn into a noun and used as a term for the exploitation of working people.

The "I didn't know" excuse doesn't work - because he should know. He has a duty of care to his employees and agency workers. He and his business practices are a disgrace. I don't buy from his stores as they are not a pleasant buying experience - but morally, I would also find it impossible.

From an Industry point of view - what message does it send to students or younger people thinking of entering a career in Logistics? We know Sports Direct is the exception but young people would not necessarily be able to make a distinction.

I would be ashamed of myself if I was the owner of such a business - but perhaps he has no conscience?

A concerned member of the logistics industry