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Sales of pallets stack up

03 March 2017

Sales of “square” 1200 x 1200mm pallets have risen in recent months thanks to growing demands from companies within the liquids and chemicals sector.

According to Goplasticpallets.com, the independent supplier of plastic pallets, the increasing need for this specific type of pallet is due to its favourable, square shape. As a result, Goplasticpallets’ range of 1200 x 1200mm pallets has become progressively popular for handling drums of liquids, powders and expensive core ingredients. This is true particularly where the use of IBC’s (Intermediate Bulk Containers) and road tankers is not appropriate, either due to the rarity and price of the ingredient, or it being sourced in smaller quantities, from a number of different suppliers or countries.

Designed for heavy handling and high rotation use within returnable pallet scenarios, the uniform shape is suitable for transportation and storage, especially of heavy, cumbersome containers that often prove difficult to handle. 

Historically, the 1200 x 1200mm “square” pallet has been used by chemical manufacturers, who for various reasons predominately use 205 litre drums, and more recently plastic barrels. These types of containers are well suited to this design and size of pallet, because each pallet can comfortably hold four of these large drums or barrels at a time.

In particular, the APB 1212 HRR 6R Drum has been designed for this application, with blocks moulded into its frame to locate four, 205 litre drums.