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Hard-hitting video stands out

07 April 2017

Mentor Training scooped the Award for Safety at this year’s FLTA Awards for Excellence.

The hard-hitting video, Could You Live With That?, pulls no punches as it illustrates the long-term effects of a serious fork lift truck accident for the victim, their family, and their colleagues and encourages viewers to think twice about their attitudes to safety.

The FLTA Awards for Excellence Jury of 12 materials handling experts were deeply impressed by the video and voted overwhelmingly in its favour. 

Launched late last year during National Forklift Safety Month, the video targets both fork lift truck drivers and the staff working alongside them – re-engaging the complacent and informing the unaware.

The Jury noted that targeting the entire workforce, rather than just operators, was something sorely lacking in conventional training – especially as more than half of those seriously injured by forklift trucks were travelling on foot at the time of impact. 

Deliberating Finalists for the Safety Award, the jury felt that the five-minute video’s clear, arresting safety message immediately gave them a feeling that “this will save lives”. 

Mentor’s managing director, Stuart Taylor, said: “The film has had a great reaction from people in the industry. It really seems to have helped drive the point home about the need to educate staff members on-foot. It’s just one small part of what we do here, but it’s proven quite a valuable tool.

“We were incredibly proud to be recognised when the nominations came in and we were delighted to win on the night. We are constantly striving to make workplaces safer. The fact that this seems to have resonated with the industry is brilliant and we’re confident it will help businesses reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.”

Could You Live With That? is available on DVD as part of Mentor Training’s Safely Working with Lift Trucks DVD. For more information or to get your copy please visit www.mentortraining.co.uk or call 01246 555222.