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HSE’s ‘Risk-Reduction through design’ Award - time to enter?
25 October 2017
HSE has teamed up with the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) to sponsor an annual MSD ‘risk-reduction through design’ award.
The HSE says: "We want to highlight the important contribution that design changes can make to reduce MSD risks, and want businesses to nominate design changes that have made a real impact. We are looking for schemes that have been implemented in Great Britain during the 2017 calendar year, and have demonstrably reduced MSD risks for workers. In-house or consultant-led design changes are equally welcomed – but we are looking for the businesses to make the nominations, not the designers!"
Design schemes that have or can reduce MSD risks for the greatest numbers of workers will obviously be attractive, but HSE does not want to discourage novel, innovative or niche solutions that don’t have quite that breadth of benefit.
"We are looking to inspire others to think more actively about design-based solutions, and that will be the judges’ main criteria. We want to be faced with difficult choices, and we are more than happy to commend entries that may not be the outright winner."
Shortlisted entries for the main award, and any commended entries, will be on show at HSE’s MSD Summit on 21 March 2018, and the winner will be announced at the CIEHF Awards event in April 2018. The winner and any commended entries will then be featured on HSE’s website
"Entries should be submitted on no more than two sides of A4. Tell us about the problem, the solution, the MSD benefits, any wider benefits, what your workforce think about the changes and your contact details. If you are in contention for shortlisting, we’ll come back to you for further details. Please submit your nominations to [email protected] by Sunday 31 December 2017."
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