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What is 2018 going to bring?

04 December 2017

It’s the time of the year to make some predictions for 2018.

As I sit here looking into my glass ball, I honestly wonder if there has ever been a time characterised by more uncertainty.  The geo-political situation seems to be so fragile, with Brexit, North Korea, the USA and Russia, all seemingly being sources of concern and confusion. 

As things stand we don’t know what the UK’s situation will soon be with regard to customs, immigration, and the Irish border  - all huge issues for anyone working in the UK Logistics Sector.

But putting those macro issues to one side – what should we expect in 2018?

Customer expectations are changing.  There is no doubt about that.  How long will we go on having a High Street with retail outlets?  This Christmas period, more parcels than ever before will be delivered direct to domestic addresses and the trend is only going to continue.  I wonder how long it will be before the only retailers on the High Street are coffee shops.  This has huge implications for us.  We effectively become part of a huge kitchen larder.  People don’t keep or store things (food and non) at home, they can get it delivered the next day with zero hassle and often zero cost.  Warehouses move from being a place where produce is kept, becoming instead a shop visited by virtual customers. 

Data management.  Some people still think of logistics as lifting and moving.  More and more we will be managers of data.  Our processes, people and training will reflect this.

Transport. This is a big one.  Trucks are still the main way that goods are moved around the country.  But will 2018 be the year when drones and driverless vehicles really take off?  Eventually there will be a shift in how we move things, but maybe not as soon as some think.  

Energy Sources.  Traditional sources of energy are becoming prohibitively expensive – if they haven’t always been.  This is what will drive the change and conversion to renewables and electric vehicles.  2018 may well be the year of a fast forward on moving away from diesel and fossil fuels.  With more electric vehicles coming to market, expect better products and cheaper prices.

And England will go out of the World Cup on penalties.

Happy New Year!

David Coombes, Founder and Managing Director of Logistics Job Shop

Follow David on Twitter @DavidCoombesSfL