100% circular

Posted on Tuesday 8 June 2021

EMMA WILL help you reduce your carbon footprint – by supplying Safety Footwear that’s made from a combination of recycled materials and materials that are recyclable.

This ‘100% circular’ footwear offering is changing the lifecycle of safety footwear as EMMA steps up to be an active part of individual and corporate sustainability programmes.

The company says: “Every product in the EMMA range is safe for the environment with a ‘100% ‘circular’ manufacturing, usage-mapping and recycling process for every shoe and boot produced under the EMMA brand – the supply-chain partner that’s totally committed to sustainability and reducing waste.

“For buyers and specifiers in logistics and warehousing, EMMA safety footwear will make a double-headed contribution to their businesses – a value for money investment in workforce-wellbeing and a commitment to improving corporate social impact.”

For more information, visit www.emmasafetyfootwear.com

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