3PL invests in real time warehouse data capability

Posted on Thursday 7 September 2023

LINKLINE HAS partnered with Dexory to make use of its inventory robots and analytical platform for the 3PL’s Kettering warehouse.

LINKLINE WORKS with customers from markets such as FMCG, and already uses various automation solutions and plans on building a large automated hub in 12–18 months time.

Linkline aims to introduce their data collection autonomous robot Dextor (the name the Linkline team have given the robot) to the Kettering site this week. Dextor will then operate every night, scanning the full 250,000 sq ft warehouse, integrating into the day to day warehouse operations, working alongside the operations and warehouse teams.

Dexory’s digital platform, DexoryView, then analyses the data collected to make recommendations for improved space utilisation and increased efficiencies.

Linkline chairman James Bowes, says: “We’re hugely excited to start putting Dextor to use in our warehouses. We’re always looking at technological solutions to drive more value for our customers and Dextor will do just that. We anticipate strong time savings for our warehouse operators who currently have to manually stock check at regular intervals throughout the week whereas now this process will be completed at night by Dextor.”

Oana Jinga, chief commercial officer & co-founder of Dexory adds: “Dexory is really excited to have Linkline on board and really seeing the value of data-driven technology for their operations. Integrating DexoryView into their Kettering warehouse, will allow them to unlock greater efficiencies and proactively prevent any errors resulting from stock inaccuracy, delivering on the best point of service for both themselves and their customers”.

For more information, visit www.dexory.com

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