A life-changing move

Posted on Monday 31 October 2022

A GROWING number of forklift operators are seizing the opportunity to switch from operating forklifts to training others to do it, says leading accrediting body AITT.

The demand for first-rate forklift operator training is at an all-time high, while there is also a serious shortage of accredited instructors to satisfy ongoing requirements. 

“Working with forklifts can be very rewarding,” says AITT managing director Liam Knight. “But the majority of MHE driving jobs involve working nights and/or different shifts. For a lot people that can be a real problem.

“A viable and really appropriate option is to use the skills they have learned and share them with others by becoming a trainer.

“Those who’ve made the move often describe it as life-changing because it allows them to organise their working lives to suit their individual circumstances. It can also be the source of great job satisfaction. It’s really rewarding to share your knowledge and see people you have trained pass their test and become fully fledged operators.”

According to Mr Knight, the important thing is to find the right training body – ideally one which is accredited and works to nationally recognised standards and has the infrastructure to develop individual trainers to maximise their capabilities, and their earning potential.

“The great thing for anyone who is considering such a move is that there has never been a better time to do it,” he explains. “Right now there is a shortage of forklift instructors and there is a consensus that upskilling operators is really effective.

“And the demand for trainers is only ever going to grow as companies of all sizes recognise the value of good quality operator training in terms of both safety and productivity.”

For more information, visit www.aitt.co.uk

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