Advanced rack safety system

Posted on Thursday 26 August 2021

CRODA INTERNATIONAL has integrated Rack Collapse Prevention’s (RCP) racking safety support system into the design of its purpose-built Customer Excellence Centre (CEC), which includes an ambient storage facility.

With a store capacity of circ. 34,000 pallets, RCP’s safety system was installed to racking at a height of 14 metres under an 18 metre roof canopy and encompassed 39 racking leg runs each at 160 metres, with RCP’s safety system securing around 1,900 legs it took a total of five-weeks from start to finish to install. Using wire suspension cables from the top of the racking rather than reinforcing from the bottom means if there is an impact-event the structure remains standing, protecting both employees and stock.

Croda operations manager Antony Andrew says: “We chose to integrate RCP into the design of our new custom-built warehouse as safety of colleagues is paramount. We believe that we should be going beyond mandatory requirements for safety, ensuring that we always prioritise the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees.”

UK and European patented and designed to provide safer working environments for warehouse professionals, the system has been installed in ambient, chilled and frozen warehouses and storage facilities in the UK, Ireland and Europe and can be installed anywhere pallet racking is used. With any form of pallet racking, especially above 6m, there is an amplified risk of racking failure. A damaged leg under load experiences considerable down pressure, forcing leg racking to buckle and lose the structure’s ability to endure its intended load capacity, eventually leading to rack collapse, with the potential domino effect to any other racking attached to it, or in close proximity.

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