Anti-bacterial alternative

Producer of chilled ready-meals, Oscar Mayer, has invested in Cold Stop curtains, from Seymour Manufacturing International (SMI) at its Ferndale Foods factory at Erith in Kent.

SMI’s latest Cold Stop curtains use the company’s Tempro insulation material, and provide a ground-breaking, anti-bacterial alternative to plastic strip curtains or PVC doors used in many coldrooms. They are available in standard widths of 300mm and bespoke heights with deep, clear windows. They are quickly and easily installed.

The curtains are energy efficient and provide reduced wear on evaporator equipment allowing optimum settings to quickly achieve an internal working temperature.

SMI has carried out tests on the products with thermal imaging equipment, revealing that the outside temperature of Cold Stop curtains in a freezer can register at 10°C, while the inside surface is recorded as low as -21°C.

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