Automated inspection process aims to reduce downtime

Posted on Monday 6 January 2025

Roboverse Reply has developed an end-to-end solution for AI-driven inspection processes in industrial environments, together with Siemens.

LEVERAGING SIEMENS’ COMOS Mobile Worker, – an app used by organisations to plan and execute service technicians’ missions – technicians can now automate complex industrial maintenance tasks using autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and drones from various manufacturers. 

Traditionally, controlling autonomous mobile robots has required specialised software and skilled personnel to operate, maintain and adapt as needed. The lack of such specialists, combined with high financial costs, has made deploying mobile robots challenging for most companies. 

The new function, that can be activated on request during software set up, enables users to significantly increase the life and operational reliability of their equipment.

The platform centrally orchestrates and fully automates the control of robots and drones during maintenance and inspection operations. By using advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect anomalies, critical issues can be identified early, with all relevant information communicated to operators in real-time. When needed, augmented reality capabilities and precise navigation allow operators to manually intervene and take control. This high level of automation enables companies to identify and correct faults earlier, avoiding costly downtime.

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