Baumann launches SafeLoad Assistance
THE SIDELOADER manufacturer unveiled its safety system, SafeLoad Assistance, at LogiMAT 2023.

The SafeLoad Assistance system works by calculating the stability limit of the truck and using sensors within the chassis that consider the forces that are exerted by the load weight, the position of both the load and the truck, and a number of other factors.
During the time spent in development, Baumann has seen load capacities increase and changes in design practices and the equipment itself have allowed the company to develop the technology.
SafeLoad Assistance provides a visual warning when operators are approaching the stability limit.
Baumann sales director Fabio Bernieri, says: “With all Baumann sideloaders featuring body tilt, it’s not simply a case of seeing where they are in relation to the ground, or the distance from the load centre to the counterweight. It is a simple result but a very technical challenge to achieve. Many factors have to be considered but ultimately, the results must be clear enough to allow the operator to quickly look at a screen, and act accordingly.”
The system does not yet apply countermeasures to limit the tipping of the truck physically, as Bernieri explained: “At the moment, it is something just for detecting. It is something that is assisting the operator. There are ethical considerations regarding systems that restrict functions, particularly when it comes to operator input. The operator remains a vital component of the process, and suggesting they can ignore safety signals or switch off their own judgment is something we have to be wary of.”
Reducing damage
SafeLoad Assistance is expected to reduce operational costs by reducing damage costs and increasing the durability of components used as designed. However, some customers may not accept being controlled in this way, adds managing director, Klaus Pirpamer: "It may reduce costs whilst the driver is adhering to load safety, but it is also something can detect or monitor how the operator is working. This could be an issue because some operators would not accept to be controlled in this way. We are therefore listening carefully to our customers to see where we go forward with these features."
Baumann's commitment to safety is reflected in the design of its trucks, which are developed with a high safety margin for stability. The nominal capacity of the trucks is overachieved for safety reasons, and the trucks are equipped with safety components such as safety valves for the lifting functions and hydraulic pump. The SafeLoad Assistance system is another step towards ensuring the safety of the operator, load and pedestrians.
When asked if SafeLoad Assistance will reduce operational costs, Fabio responds positively, saying that the system will likely reduce maintenance costs as components used as designed are more durable. Additionally, the system is expected to reduce avoidable damage costs while the driver is respecting the truck parameters.
“Often our equipment is supplied on contracts that include maintenance,” concludes Fabio. “Components that are used as designed are more durable, so maintenance costs are reduced, also there is the opportunity to reduce avoidable damage costs.”
Established in 1969, Baumann has a reputation for reliability and innovation and has won several awards for its products, including the prestigious FLTA Award for Excellence.
“This is a game changer,” concludes, Klaus Pirpamer. “A decade ago, this is something we could have only dreamed about. We have spent many years looking at this. The technology has evolved to allow us to find the right way to answer the load centre question, to give the accurate levels of safety the market has always desired.”
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