Build your cleaning strategy with Briggs Equipment

Posted on Tuesday 20 February 2024

BUSINESSES SPEND a lot of money to stand out. Presentation is all important and the attention to detail in maintaining a brand’s reputation commands significant investment. However, standing out for all the wrong reasons is something that also comes at a cost.

Hours of effort ensuring that your production line is running smoothly only for you customer to see an untidy factory floor or warehouse undermines all that preparation. 

Impact on productivity

Aside from the obvious influence that a well maintained working environment can have on employee morale, there is the impact on productivity. Clear aisles and walkways not only improve access, but also reduce the risks of slips, trips and falls that bring their own consequences of reduced productivity, lost working time and potential workplace injury claims. Movements of goods around the workplace are unhindered by obstacles that must be moved or spillages that have to be avoided.

In the past the prospect of acquiring cleaning equipment would mean outright purchase! However, when Briggs Equipment was announced as the national dealer for the Hako range of cleaning equipment in the UK, this brought with it a number of benefits. Briggs Equipment is a contract hire provider, so the prospect of paying weekly helps customers with their budgeting and frees up cash for other investment. With a nationwide network of field service engineers, in-house finance and huge experience supporting organisations with varied fleets of machinery, the landscape is now very different.

Click here to find out more about how Briggs Equipment can support your cleaning strategy

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