Calor welcomes Scotland’s new energy strategy
The Scottish Government’s new energy strategy, published on 20th December, sets ambitious new targets to reduce emissions from the heat and transport sectors.
Importantly, the strategy recognises the future role that gas will play to meet Scotland’s emission reduction targets, and in particular the role LPG and LNG will play. The strategy also commits the Scottish Government to future consultation on a bioenergy action plan that will support the development of bioenergy in Scotland to meet future energy demand.
Calor supports a low carbon transition, and has, with parent company SHV Energy, invested in developing and bringing to market bioLPG – a renewable fuel which can be converted to deliver energy in any existing LPG equipment whether it is for heat or transport.
Matthew Hickin, chief executive, Calor said: “Scotland’s new energy strategy places a welcome emphasis on the role of alternative hydrocarbons and green gas to help reduce emissions in the power generation, road and marine transport and low carbon domestic and industrial heating sectors. In particular we agree with the Scottish Government’s conclusion that LPG and LNG derived from bio sources can help to achieve these targets where the current infrastructure is able to meet the expected growth in demand.”