Castell highlighting Salvo at Health & Safety North

Industrial safety specialist will also display trapped key interlocking technology.

Industrial safety specialist Castell will be focusing on its Salvo range of drive-away prevention products for the logistics industry at Health & Safety North 2017. The company will also be displaying its trapped key interlocking technology, which safeguards workers and assets in all types of industries.

Salvo prevents articulated trailers from departing prematurely from loading bays, and reduces dependency on written procedures. Shunters fit the Salvo Susie lock to the trailer’s exposed emergency airline, which immobilises the trailer and releases a key from the end of the Susie. Shunters then insert the key into the control panel unit next to the bay door and turn it to power up the bay. While the bay door is open, the key remains trapped in the control panel and therefore the trailer cannot be moved.

The Health & Safety Executive booklet ‘Warehousing and storage: A guide to health and safety’ recommends interlocks as a safe system of work to combat drive-aways. Salvo also features as an example of a safe system of work in the Freight Transport Association’s ‘Loading dock safety guide’, produced in conjunction with the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health.

Salvo DockMonitor is a data-gathering and analysis device, designed to display overall site performance or individual dock statistics. It enables loading operations to run more efficiently by providing crucial information in real time.

Sales team members Brian Haydon, Paul Roberts and John Williams will be present on Castell’s stand (N1). Health & Safety North takes place at EventCity, Manchester, on 10-11 October.

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