Clipper Logistics carries out lighting refurb

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Zumtobel Lighting has supplied over 1,000 Tecton luminaires for the refurbishment of the Clipper Logistics pc warehouse located at the M1 Junction 15 near Northampton.

In order to fulfil the brief, Zumtobel had to find a solution to switch each batten individually instead of the entire row and the battens also had to have corridor function with the capability of switching off. 

Clipper Logistics has 10 million sq ft of warehousing space over 46 sites. Principal contractors for the refurbishment work was by AGF UK of Welwyn with Whitton Electrical of Hemel Hempstead invited by AGF to design and install a suitable energy efficient lighting system.

Whitton worked to a brief by Clipper to light the racking aisles as efficiently as possible while providing a level of escape lighting that was compliant with BS5266. The original lighting system incorporated individual emergency bulkhead fittings with a single test key per lighting row meaning that servicing the emergency lighting was time consuming and costly.

Whitton looked at several different systems on the market but not all offered the efficiency, quality and flexibility that the Zumtobel’s Tecton provides, alongside the automatic emergency lighting testing that the eBox Central Battery system offered so it was decided that Zumtobel had the product of choice.

With such an immense operation, it was crucial that the lighting met all the criteria required including good colour rendition, low maintenance, energy savings and flexibility – Tecton LED provided the perfect solution. Used throughout the racking areas and open spaces, Tecton LED continuous row system merges light source, batten luminaire and reflector into a single visual, functional unit that provides uninterrupted light lines. Quick to install, this end-to-end solution has a service life of 50,000 hours at 70% luminous flux and an efficiency of up to 168 lm per W, resulting in less expenditure on maintenance, fewer interruptions to work, and reduced energy consumption. An integrated sensor pre-programmed to the required functions was also incorporated.

In addition to Tecton, Zumtobel’s Resculite PRO, small, energy-efficient LED spots with finely optimised optics provide the emergency lighting throughout the space. This emergency solution can be perfectly adapted to suit the requirements of different spatial environments and trusted to maintain maximum safety. The system is used in conjunction with Onlite central eBOX, the unobtrusive system that offers building safety with maximum flexibility. eBOX allows simple commissioning, combined with highly efficient operation and a nominal environmental footprint. More than just a control centre for the emergency power supply, eBOX has been optimised for use with LED technology ad can operate up to 30 electrical circuits and 600 safety and escape sign luminaires.

Jon Whitton, MD of Whitton Electrical, says: “The installation of the Tecton system and luminaires was extremely quick with no time wasted cabling separate fittings and installing retaining brackets onto luminaires. The installation literally clipped together simultaneously enabling the lighting to be illuminated as and when a row was complete. This can easily be altered if required in the future with little or no re-cabling. Whitton Electrical have worked with Zumtobel products in the past and will continue to champion their use in the future. They offer a great range of products with an experienced design and technical team offering readily available support should it be required.”

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