Cold chain integrity

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

KEEPING UP with regulations can be challenging. An equal challenge is the need to control costs. So, what can cold warehouses do to enhance the integrity of cold chain storage?

First, consider upgrading any loading dock to the new gold standard drive-through system. Trailers can back into the dock before breaking the seals which means goods are not exposed to outside temperatures or contaminants. 

The system has two core components. The first is a vertical storing leveller, enabling the loading dock door to close directly onto the pit floor, reducing exposure to the outside air and securing the dock. It also keeps boots off the drive approach and people out of harm's way and lowers the risk of theft, tampering or injury. 

A second component, says Rite-Hite, is a specially designed drive-through dock. Dock sealers provide a tight four-sided perimeter seal with the trailer, allowing the doors to be fully opened and closed during loading and unloading. The 360 degree seal stops warm airflow into the warehouse.

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