Coping with eComm growth challenge
TRADE FLORST and plant dealer, Tom Brown Wholesale, has invested in BEC’s eSmart Voice solution to improve picking operations and speed up delivery timescales.

Tom Brown is a multi-channel business, selling directly to trade florist customers from its warehouse in the traditional way and also online, across the UK. E-commerce has expanded the company’s product range and order volumes have increased significantly. In addition, managing the multiple order profiles was proving challenging and impacting on the time needed to pick and pack orders while keeping flower stocks in perfect condition.
Voice technology helps operatives work faster and safer with hands and eyes free, cut out errors from processes and work in a paperless operation. Tom Brown wants to achieve these business improvements.
Founder and managing director Tom Brown, says: “Another floristry company we respect highly had recently implemented a voice solution from BEC and they came highly recommended for both technical capabilities and their understanding of the floral industry.” He adds, “We expect to see a significant drop in error rates and increased productivity, which in turn, means we can take on more customers without seeing an impact to service quality.”
Longer term, Tom Brown hopes to use BEC’s voice solution to help improve productivity by incentivising good working practices and recognising areas for improvement.
“We expect to see a clear financial return on investment from installing voice picking but in the end having a team of happy warehouse staff and satisfied customers will be the ultimate ROI,” concludes Tom Brown.
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