CopriSystems latest warehouse solutions for Johnson Matthey

Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies. Its science enables a cleaner, healthier world and has a global impact in areas such as low emission transport, pharmaceuticals, chemical processing and making the most efficient use of the planet’s natural resources.

Working with Johnson Matthey, CopriSystems recently completed a free standing tunnel canopy at its site in Clitheroe, UK, following a couple of previous build projects.

The structure was 8.3 metres wide and 17.4 metres long with a 4.3 metres internal height. The canopy has electrically operated roller shutter doors on the front and a pedestrian fire exit door, LED lighting to 150 LUX.

The requirement was to build on time a ‘fit for purpose’ storage area to keep products dry and away from the inclement weather. The canopy has proved to be a successful solution, the building fits well into the environment, and met timeliness and criteria set out by Johnson Matthey.

Johnson Matthey have been happy with the service of CopriSystems which has led onto further developments over the years and the latest installation, which speaks volumes on the customer service and performance of product from CopriSystems. It has been a highly successful partnership which has created more opportunities, increased productivity and made stock processing more efficient.

Tel:01380 830 697

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