Coreless pre-stretch film

Using the latest film winding technology, Eurolite Coreless Pre-stretch film is an innovative coreless pre-stretch film option, that is designed to drastically reduce waste.

In fact, the company claims an up to 70% reduction on film consumption and with this comes environmental benefits.

Available in hand and machine wrap formats features and benefits include:

  • Overall product weight reduction – health and safety “in use” benefits
  • Environmental advantages due to no cores being used
  • No additional storage costs for used cores
  • No disposal costs for used cores
  • Simple and easy to use with a reusable applicator
  • Lighter product to use resulting in quicker wrapping of pallets.

Eurofilms recommends machine partner Aetna, which produces a semi-automatic “Robopac ECOWRAP” machine, ideal for use with ”Euro-lite pre stretch” core and coreless pallet wrap.

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