Cummins to convert factory to logistics centre

As part of a plan to adjust to weak global demand for power generation equipment Cummins will reduce the footprint of its Kent site and change it into a regional distribution and logistics centre.

Over the next 24 months, Cummins plans to relocate its generator set assembly operations located in Kent to Daventry, Phaltan, India and Wuhan, China. 

“By relocating our U.K. generator assembly operations to other locations, we can better balance our capacity with demand, and leverage our global supply chain strengths,” said Rich Freeland, Chief Operating Officer, Cummins Inc. “We believe that making these changes will improve our manufacturing capabilities and processes, enhance our customer service, and generate efficiencies by further integrating our power generation and engine supply chains.”

For nearly 50 years, Cummins has had operations in the U.K. and currently has eight manufacturing facilities and 4,500 employees across 23 sites in 17 cities.

“Cummins remains committed to our strong presence in the U.K.,” Freeland continued, “We are working to implement changes across the globe that create a stronger and more competitive Cummins and underscore our mission and values.”

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