Delineators launched to enhance warehouse segregation

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

A new range of flexi-delineators offer improved vehicle routing for warehouse and storage handling applications.

Available from BrandSAFE Protection, the range has been developed to provide end-users with a high visibility crush and bend resistant, self-righting post system, which can be used effectively to indicate and protect specific zones and areas around an industrial building or complex.

Quickly fixed and secured in position to either tarmac or concrete industrial substrates, the lightweight 80mm diameter delineators offer improved demarcation and segregation of traffic routes, minimising costly impact and damage to property and warehouse vehicles.

Product is manufactured from tough and durable 100% recyclable polyurethane for greater flex capabilities and is supplied in a variety of eye-catching colour options and reflectors for heightened visibility in low-light levels or night-time conditions.

Individual posts can be linked together via a polymer chain to form a highly visible, impact resistant safety rope-style system. This can be used to guide people quickly through a facility, or prevent them from straying into hazardous traffic routes, providing additional levels of safety and improved pedestrian control.

Flexible sign paddles are also available as part of an integrated package from BrandSAFE, which can, for example, offer improved on-site signage.

The company says: "If the post is nudged by a vehicle, the signage will simply ‘wave’ at the driver without damaging the substrate or vehicle to indicate that the safety limit has been exceeded."

Product also comes in a choice of three durable colour patterns for maximum visual impact: yellow with silver reflectors, black with yellow reflectors, and white with red reflectors. Three floor anchors for rapid and secure installation to most industrial floor types, including block substrates, are also provided with every post.

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