Denby Pottery boosts picking with specialist software
The tableware brand’s warehouse has created significant productivity improvements with the deployment of Pick Modeller software from Sigma Efficiency.
The software is a WMS add-on that significantly improves resourcing decisions. By calculating the distance travelled and accurate timings, Pick Modeller compares individual operative performance against targets, forming the basis of a performance management system. Pick Modeller also analyses warehouse layouts suggesting product moves to reduce operative travel time.
Denby Pottery, the leading casual tableware brand produced in the UK, have been working with Sigma Efficiency over recent months to test out the latest version of the software.
“Our team have reacted positively to the accurate feedback of performance and we’ve seen some impressive improvements in productivity as a result,” says Becky Perry, manager of Denby’s warehouse in Derby.
Jonathan Fisher, director of product development at Sigma Efficiency adds: “The idea of modelling travel distance and item selection times to set targets and measure performance rather than using somewhat vague, average pick rates isn’t actually new. What’s different is that Pick Modeller is an affordable alternative to what is available at this time. And, it is the only stand-alone product available on the market that will work with all warehouse management systems to improve productivity.”