Digital platform enhances safety

Posted on Wednesday 5 June 2024

KINAXIA LOGISTICS has rolled out a digital platform to enhance safety across its nationwide network of sites as well as for its drivers on the road.

A system developed by workplace operations technology company SafetyCulture has been implemented across Kinaxia’s regional warehouses, offices, transport yards, fulfilment centres and fleet of vehicles over the past year.

Stephen McCabe, Kinaxia’s quality, safety, health and environment (QSHE) director, said the platform has helped the company to improve safety engagement and culture, and incident key performance indicators.

Since the rollout began, Kinaxia has seen a 94% reduction in lost time incidents and a 75% fall in the number of incidents and accidents recorded under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

The strategy has also spawned a huge and beneficial increase in the reporting of issues, from minor housekeeping matters to near-misses which could give rise to more serious problems, said Stephen. Notifications have increased from 160 a year to 6,400.

Kinaxia has 1,600 staff, a fleet of 800 vehicles and 11 regional warehouses.

In the first phase of the rollout, hundreds of QR codes were posted around its locations, providing employees with instant access to the reporting platform.

The second phase saw the QR code system was rolled out to vehicles in the fleet, with the ability to also upload images or video as supporting evidence.

Kinaxia’s version of SafetyCulture features a ‘Heads Up’ function to instantly send details to managers across the business about any potential issues or urgent action required. 

All data collected through the platform provides live dashboard reporting, enabling the company to capture trends and shape its strategy in a more rounded way to reduce risk in its workplaces.

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