Doosan shifts parts DC to Germany 

Posted on Thursday 20 July 2023

DOOSAN INDUSTRIAL Vehicle (DIV) has transferred its Parts Distribution Centre (PDC) from Sint-Niklaas, Belgium to Halle, Germany.

The move comes as a result of the integration of DIV within Doosan Bobcat. The new location in Halle Sachsen-Anhalt, where Doosan Bobcat already operates its daily business for Bobcat construction equipment spare parts, boasts a significantly larger facility of 34,500 sq m, compared to the previous location in Belgium of 3200 sq m. This expansion will have a positive impact on the availability of Doosan spare parts in all of continental Europe, says the firm.

Delivery cut-off period moves to 18:30 (EU countries) and 17:30 (Non-EU countries), up from 15:00. Additionally, the new centre enables next-day delivery service to the entire European Union territory, thanks to its close proximity of just 15 minutes to the DHL Air Hub, facilitating swift transportation.

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