Easier compliance and more workplace safety

Visual tagging solutions enable companies to increase workplace safety and facilitate compliance with EU Directives by communicating vital information on the equipment itself where it can be seen by all workers.

Think about plant and equipment on your site. Without the latest information, people are prone to make assumptions.

» How do you know if equipment is safe to use?

» What maintenance has been carried out and when?

» How do you identify it among the hundreds of similar items?

Brady’s Visual Tagging systems create a clear audit trail, ensuring you have a permanent data trail of inspections and work carried out as well as evidence in a court of law if you need it.

Easier compliance

Visual tagging solutions each consist out of a durable holder and removable inserts. They facilitate compliance by keeping inspection records on the equipment itself. Inspectors can place the date of their inspection and their signature on the tag's removable insert when the equipment is deemed fit for use. If not, the insert can be removed, leaving a clear 'do not use'-message on the equipment. Workers can immediately see on the equipment itself when it was last inspected and if it was deemed fit for use, along with additional vital safety information to avoid workplace accidents.

The Visual Tagging Catalogue lists all of Brady/Scafftag's visual tagging solutions, which clearly communicate the latest equipment inspection and test status at the point of use. Our Visual Tags record a maintenance audit trail, uniquely identify equipment and reduce accidents in the workplace.

Get the free Visual Tagging Catalogue with Practical Guidance

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