Enable a major leap in workplace efficiency

Posted on Thursday 2 March 2023

Give every asset a unique digital identity – complete solutions from Brady can be adapted to customer needs down to the last detail, making RFID accessible to a wide range of businesses. This is so even in environments that are considered challenging for most labels and readers. Discover Brady’s complete and affordable RFID solutions.

TO MAKE RFID driven efficiency possible in any unique workplace, Brady leverages its global manufacturing capabilities and services to customise each of the components in its complete RFID solution. Label read range can be adapted, as well as all other label properties that enable labels to stay attached to any user's asset selection in a wide range of industrial environments.

Sensors can be embedded to capture environmental data including temperature or moisture levels. Scanners can be equipped with custom programmed apps that processes data to unlock the benefits a specific business needs, and Brady can integrate the entire solution with existing ICT infrastructure.

With a handheld RFID scanner, multiple assets can be located, identified, tracked and traced from a 15m distance without needing line of sight. Fixed RFID scanners can even cover the entire workplace to considerably accelerate asset tracking. As a result, employees can quickly find any labelled asset they need, inventories can be automated, and outgoing cargo can be checked for completeness in seconds.

Automatically collected data on all labelled assets can help inform strategic decision making on capital asset numbers, their locations, preventive maintenance and environmental elements. Decisions on stock levels can be supported by the latest data, all generated and collected automatically, to further drive business efficiency and profitability, all by giving assets a unique digital identity.

Discover Brady’s RFID complete solution >>

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