Environmental considerations lead 3PL to lithium forklift investment

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

AKW Global Logistics has committed to purchasing two 2.5 tonne lithium powered forklifts, to replace diesel models.

This was after a successful trial to ensure impeccable service levels could be maintained.

AKW Global Logistics has positive sustainability impact at the forefront of purchasing decisions, with a focus on continuous improvement, carbon reduction initiatives and environmental conservation. Switching to lithium powered forklifts means a reduction of 154 kilograms of CO2 per week per forklift in comparison to diesel models.

Previous concerns with Lithium trucks surrounded practicality, uptime and productivity. This meant a trial was vital to ensure AKW’s market leading KPIs would not be impacted.

The company says: “The trial proved a roaring success, without any hinderance to the usual 14-hour shift, despite all machine functions being tuned to the maximum to ensure it was established how long the machines last under constant load and maximum battery current draw. Performance equalled the diesel powered forklifts, with no lack of productivity.”

AKW Global Logistics provides comprehensive transport, contract packing and warehousing solutions.

0161 873 2033

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