Eurora partners with DPDgroup to automate cross-border trade compliance
EURORA SOLUTIONS, the provider of a leading AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine learning) backed cross-border trade compliance platform, has launched a partnership with DPDgroup, one of the world’s leading parcel delivery networks.

This partnership will enable DPDgroup, which delivers 2.1 billion parcels yearly, to enhance its quality and compliance processes while lowering the costs of customs processing.
DPDgroup will use Eurora’s AI/ML-backed platform to automate the allocation of product classification (HS) codes and compliance with the export control rules applied in the European Union, the UK, and the USA. The allocation of product classification (HS) codes and export control classification (ECCN code) is a pivotal step in the export process. These classifications are needed to prove that the shipper has duly checked all restrictions and license requirements before exporting an item.
Eurora’s compliance platform processes up to 5,000 requests per second with 98% accuracy (as observed on Eurora’s overall compliance platforms solutions in 2022). This is said to be the highest level of accuracy, speed, and automation available in the market. As there are more than 15,000 10-digit commodity codes in the EU alone, it is impossible to match this speed and cost with manual or hybrid methods, most commonly used today.
As a next step, both companies are looking towards extending the geographical coverage of export compliance services, namely to the Middle East and Asia.
“Eurora and the DPDgroup have been closely working together since the beginning of 2022 to elaborate the rules of different jurisdictions, containing a wide range of classification rules and restrictions that have been ‘learned’ by the Eurora machine,” says Eurora founder and group CEO Marko Lastik.
DPDgroup, delivering over 8.4 million parcels worldwide each day, was looking for a solution that would enhance its parcel delivery operations.
DPDgroup senior director regulatory & global trade affairs at Olivier Tsalpatouros, adds: “In a context where product safety and transport security processes are key, and with growing international activity, we always aim to enhance quality and compliance. Using AI and Machine Learning solutions will help us improve the scalability and reliability of our international operations while paving the path for future opportunities like new customer services, new geography, and further automation.”
“Years of scientific research and developing machine learning capabilities have allowed Eurora to demonstrate that we are trusted by the logistics and postal industry. Eurora AI engine can find the most appropriate response from a large amount of data by learning from constantly adding data,” Lastik concludes.
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