Fire containment first

There has been a dramatic rise in in-flight cargo fires.

In response, on 1st July 2014, the FAA issued TSO-C203 to provide a minimum standard by which manufacturers can design, build and supply a fully certified Fire Containment Cover (FCC).

AmSafe Bridport is said to be the first and only manufacturer to be granted the TSO-C203 for its Fire Containment Cover (FCC).

The system which includes a fire cover, pallet net and patented deployment kit follows 10 years of development, testing and trials which has resulted in over 1,000 FCCs in operational use. The product exceeds the requirements of TSO-C203.

This solution helps mitigate the risk of ‘on board’ fires ignited by undeclared dangerous goods being transported on palletised loads, and is the solution of choice for a number of major global cargo carriers.

AmSafe Bridport’s patented Fire Containment Cover System features:

  • Fire Containment Cover System available including:
    • TSO-C203 Fire Cover
    • ETSO-C90D Pallet Net, lightweight and fire resistant options
    • Patented deployment and storage kit
  • FCC System available for use within your current operations, no additional tooling or equipment required
  • Contains a fire up to 815c for six hours
  • Does not rely on detection or suppression systems
  • 3 Tier repair schemes along with a network of global approved repair stations
  • 2 way fire barrier preventing pallet to pallet fire escalation.
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