Fixed rental rate
TO SUPPORT companies during financially challenging times, Toyota Material Handling UK is offering an easy way of operating pallet trucks at the lowest cost and at a fixed annual rental rate with no capital outlay.

Toyota’s ‘Pallet Truck Plus’ scheme is a hand pallet truck rental option that enables users to receive a new pallet truck from the Toyota BT Lifter range for an agreed two-year monthly rental fee that can be as little as the equivalent of 79 pence per day.
Throughout the ‘Pallet Truck Plus’ agreement period, the truck – or trucks – will be fully serviced free of further charge by Toyota’s experienced and dedicated pallet truck service team as part of an agreed structured maintenance schedule.
In addition, in the unlikely event of a truck suffering a mechanical breakdown between scheduled service calls, Toyota’s Pallet Truck Specialists will visit free of any further charge.
For more information visit