Flat floors key for robots

In an era when speed is key, even minor flooring irregularities can have a major impact on deliveries and safety.

For example, forklifts working at height will tilt, to the point of danger, if the floor’s flatness is inadequate. Vehicles will jolt and be forced to slow when faced with damaged construction joints. And, with the adoption of robots for order picking, the demands for precision flooring have increased. 

RCR Industrial Flooring offers services and products for every stage of a warehouse floor’s lifecycle; and several of its brands will be showcased at IMHX.

Flooring by design

At the earliest design stage, Monofloor ensures a warehouse floor is designed with the end use in mind. Its international flooring consultants work with contractors to ensure that client objectives are met, even to the tightest tolerances laid down in international standards.  

Meanwhile, RCR’s products maximise the longevity and performance of a new warehouse floor. Permaban’s latest armoured joint, Permaban Wave, has a sleek triple-curve design which provides impact-free transit for MHE. Rocland’s surface hardeners shield against surface abrasion and impact.  And RINOL’s resin flooring systems protect challenging and vulnerable areas, such as battery charging zones.


New-build warehouses are only part of the story. The bigger challenge in the industry lies in existing buildings. RCR’s repair brand, Permaneo, provides a suite of professional repair services for damaged warehouse floors. Joint repairs (using the Permaban Signature AR joint arris repair system) can be undertaken in just a few hours to minimise operational impact. Permaneo also offers flooring renovation and maintenance services.


With the advent of robots on the warehouse floor, the key issues are floor flatness and surface quality – vital for smooth movement of MHE.

RCR’s newest brand, Floor Dynamics, heralds the future in understanding and optimising warehouse floor performance. It offers high definition floor mapping, which reveals the floor’s surface in unprecedented detail, to informed decision making on remediation. Thanks to the use of precise location mapping, the same scans can be undertaken when a building changes hands, to ensure floors can be prepared appropriately for the next occupant. Stand 20F35

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