Four forks to the rescue

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Contact Attachments has been called upon by a large packaging manufacturer to provide a solution to handling goods more safely and efficiently.

BM Packaging, a leading supplier of corrugated cartons, packaging, and ancillary materials to customers across the North of England, called on the team at Contact to provide its Adjustable Four Forklift attachment to aid the handling of, and to minimise potential damage to, its wide range of packaging products.

Rachel Latham, production & factory manager at BM Packaging, explains: “Contact Attachments did an excellent job at advising which product would best suit our requirements, and we subsequently purchased the Adjustable Four Forklift attachment to streamline our internal processes.

“Some of our products measure 2m by 5m and we previously used our two-fork forklift to handle this, which on occasion meant the boards were unstable and were damaged by the forks. With each sheet costing around £5, the cost of damage was significant when added together, and the new attachment from Contact Attachments meant that it’s already recouping some of this.”

The two outer forks of the Adjustable Four Fork attachment can be laterally adjusted by 750mm, which provides users with added flexibility to use for a mixture of different sized products.

Dave Manuel, technical sales director at Contact Attachments adds: “These made-to-order attachments are ideal for when a forklift needs to be versatile for a range of applications. They are designed and manufactured from our site in Newtown, come fully certified, and can be delivered anywhere in the UK.” 

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