Freightroute cuts costs by going green

Posted on Friday 3 February 2023

A leading palletised freight delivery company is enjoying important operational benefits and reduced costs after replacing its diesel materials handling fleet with electric forklifts.

WORKING IN partnership with battery specialist Hoppecke, Freightroute is also reducing its impact on the environment, while a quieter MHE solution is fostering a more harmonious relationship with neighbouring residents and businesses.

Since a lot of Freightroute's operations take place at night, the switch to an electric fleet has created a much quieter and cleaner working environment. Having started the changeover in 2019, by swapping some of its diesel engine machines for battery-powered counterbalance trucks, Freightroute teamed up with Hoppecke to complete the move and maximise the benefits.

Hoppecke analysed the set-up, then fitted a batcoms datalogger to the existing truck batteries. Using the results to gain a better understanding of Freightroute's daily operational requirements, Hoppecke was able to increase battery capacity by 30%.

Subsequently, Freightroute adopted Hoppecke's Trak-Air 5.5-hour charging systems, which are able to dovetail with the palletised freight operation, facilitating opportunity charging during rest periods and a full charge during the morning to lunchtime period.

Hoppecke provides full maintenance support to Freightroute. The customised service contract includes battery topping and cleaning as well as charger preventative maintenance. Meanwhile, the collection of charger data supports an ongoing operational analysis with a view to driving further efficiencies.

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