Get up to speed with Lean Manufacturing techniques
Come to one of the Lean Workshop Group Training Days at WERMA UK Ltd (NN8 6GR) on 7th and 8th December 2016 and learn all about it – for free!
Lean is essentially about maximising customer value while minimising waste.
To accomplish this, Lean thinking changes the focus of a company from optimising the different assets, technologies and departments to optimising the ow of products and services through the entire value streams that ow through to your customers.
Put simply ‘“Banish waste and create wealth in your business’’ So where could you start your ‘’Lean Journey’’?
The Lean Workshop Group offer free training to anyone wishing to start their ‘’Lean Journey’’ or perhaps looking to re-fresh their understanding of Lean techniques.
At the FREE Lean training events we offer insight into the thinking, products and services needed to implement ef cient Lean manufacturing and Lean Logistics systems, with a mixture of class room training sessions, and also a hands on manufacturing cell.
The cell embodies the latest developments in Lean manufacturing technology and you will be able to manufacture real products on the line. The manufacturing cell gives attendees the chance to get ‘’Hands on training’’
At each event there are Lean specialists from a wide variety of companies and disciplines who have an in-depth knowledge of many areas of the Lean supply chain, from shop floor production tools, automation, Logistics, materials handling, monitoring systems and Lean consulting/training.
For more information about the Group, what it offers and to book a place at forthcoming events: or email [email protected]