GreyOrange adds modular sortation system to AI-driven offering
Robotics and warehouse automation company GreyOrange, launched its latest modular sortation system, designed for modern distribution and logistics centres serving retail, and courier and express companies.
Designed for versatility, portability and sortation efficiency, the GreyOrange Flexo modular sortation system is said to fit well in most warehouses, requiring minimal additional infrastructure.
This high-performance system, capable of operating 24×7 round the clock, reduces cost per shipment and dependency on additional labour during peaks. The AI-enabled robotics system can be scaled to meet evolving business needs to handle large peaks, and reduced during non-peak hours to minimise operating costs. Flexo components are designed to allow for fast implementation in as short as 15 days due to its simple design, modularity and standardisation.
Its plug-and-play modular components, can be added at any time without incurring downtime. Designed with no single point of failure, Flexo can handle up to 12,000 parcels per hour sorting up to hundreds of destinations; including common post and courier items up to 15kg.
The Flexo robotics system was demonstrated at LogiMAT.